Email Address Change Alert
December 1, 2021 Email Address Change Alert
Please Note: If your email address ends in then this message applies to you.
If it does not, then you do not need to take any action and can ignore it.
This notice is to alert you to a change to your email address. Unfortunately your email address will stop working on February 1, 2022. We will guide you through the process of migrating your email to a new address and “forwarding” your emails to your new address. We have set up a form to help make it easier.
We suggest you do so soon (but do not panic) and not wait until the last minute so that you have time to train everyone on your new address.
Once we have your new email address setup, you will want to start notifying people of your new address and go through the process of changing the accounts that communicate to you via this email address.
Why did this happen?
Alan Oppenheimer created Open Door Networks 20+ years ago and was one of the original ISPs to provide internet and email service in Ashland. He sold the rights to the domain name a few years ago to Opendoor (a dot com company located in the Bay Area that sells homes online) and sold us the right to bill and support your email account until they grew into needing it.
Over the summer we realized that they were making changes to email services that we had no way to support or control and we knew we needed to migrate away.
As painful as this one time transition will be for you, (even Alan is losing his email address that he created over 20 years ago when he started the company) it will be best in the long term. If you select one of our domains, we will have total control over it and be able to help you and support you.
If you select a free account on gmail (which is a great option) or some other provider, we will help you “forward” your email to it and help you back up your old emails but we won’t be able to support your gmail account. Mac users may want to use iCloud for their email, which we can help you with too.
What do I do now?
Step 1 – Fill out this form. We will use the info you give us and help you find a new email address.
Step 2 – If you decide to have us provide your email account, we will create your new email account, set up the migration and let you know how to access your new email. You can access it from your web browser or through your mail client (like the Mac Mail app) once you make the changes.
Step 3 – You should test send and receive emails from the new account.
Step 4 – You should start to let everyone know you have a new email address.
Step 5 – You should start to change all systems that might have used your email address to connect to. Here is a checklist to help you.
If you have any questions or concerns please fill out this form which will get to me so that I can get back to you. Please do not call tech support at this time. They will just ask you to fill out the form.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Jim Teece
President & CEO
Ashland Home Net